Dear John,

The 2022 Blue Wave momentum here in CA-27 is stronger than ever. And the list of leaders, activists, and supporters ready to roll up their sleeves to flip the district from red to blue is growing by the day. Just look at the supporters we're proud to have on this team:
Scrolling gif of Christy's endorsements

We're proud to share with you the list of Christy's recent endorsements. From organized labor to progressive activists – our campaign is building a strong, diverse coalition that will have the mighty grassroots power to take on Mike Garcia in November.

Join the incredible list of folks on Team Christy by donating $5 or whatever you can afford today. With a list like this, we're unstoppable, we will flip CA-27 from red to blue. >>>

While we're thrilled to receive such endorsements from such stellar people and organizations -- ultimately this campaign is about you.

It's about fighting for policies that will uplift working families; like making healthcare available to all, expanding access to higher education, creating universal pre-K, ensuring all workers are making a liveable wage, and protecting reproductive rights from those who seek to undermine them.

Chip in $5 or more to join Christy's fight to uplift working families in Congress. >>> Again, thank you all for your endorsements and outpouring of support. It means so much, and we're optimistic as ever that we're going to flip CA-27 to bring on the 2022 Blue Wave.

Let's go win this thing,

Team Christy