We're getting out on the doorstep, and we want you with us.
HOPE not hate

John --

We're getting out onto the doorstep to take on Nigel Farage's Brexit Party.

That's why the HOPE not hate organising team are putting together two national weekends of action, where supporters will be out all across the country, taking the fight to Nigel Farage's Brexit Party.

The dates are:

  • Saturday 30th Nov and Sunday 1st Dec
  • Saturday 7th Nov and Sunday 8th Dec

Loads of people have already signed up - will you join them?

Thank you again for all that you do. Together we'll take them down.

Nick Spooner
HOPE not hate Organising Team

If you can't make it out to campaign with us, you can still help us reach voters by donating to our General Election Fighting Fund today.

Donate to our Fighting Fund