Dear John
Every year, I find myself marveling at the incredible generosity that influences so much of the world around me. In the 30+ years I have had the privilege of serving as the Chief Executive Officer for Migrant Clinicians Network, I have been in a unique position to witness one fundamental truth in the age of COVID: kindness is absolutely contagious.
This year especially, we experienced this generosity firsthand. While many nonprofits had to grapple with the heartbreaking reality of fewer donations overall, MCN was blessed by the opposite occurrence. We had our best fundraising year to date, receiving nearly 400 individual donations in 2021. This includes people who donated through new social media pathways, such as Instagram, and those who pledged to match funds raised during Giving Tuesday. To put it rather simply, 2021 turned out to be a great year for giving.
2022 is starting off on a similarly strong foot. Today is Random Acts of Kindness Day, and it is the perfect marker for remembering the importance of giving and gratitude, so this is our way of saying thank you for the kindness you have shown to our organization throughout the year.
Thank you for showing kindness in supporting our efforts on behalf of frontline clinicians and the migrants, immigrants, and asylum-seekers who they serve.
Thank you for showing kindness by sharing the stories of our work with your friends, family members, and coworkers, who also answered the call to support us.
Thank you for showing kindness in the thousands of little acts you do every year that will never be seen, but nevertheless deserve to be acknowledged and appreciated.
So tell us—how will you be showing kindness today?
In gratitude,

Karen Mountain, MBA, MSN, RN