
Our mid-month deadline ended Tuesday at Midnight, and after checking our numbers we are still $2000 behind our February goals…

March 1st is coming fast and $2,000 is a lot of yard signs we can’t buy without the support of our Grassroots Army! We create all our goals with your support in mind, and we need your urgent help to keep up the fight through February!

We’re at the start of our Get Out the Vote operations, and we need your help to keep the pedal to the metal so we can beat the Left in the coming months. We want to grow our outreach, expand our volunteer team, and continue to build momentum until election day!

America is counting on us to fight for North Texas, and we can’t let them down! There isn't much time left, can we count on you?

Thank you for helping us make up for our missed goal, 
Team Van Duyne
---------Forwarded Message-------
From: Beth Van Duyne
Date: Tues., Feb. 15, 2022 at 1:15 PM 
Subject: Quick Mid-Month update!

With the primaries on March 1st and early voting already in process - tonight’s Mid-Month checkpoint is critical. 

The Radical Left has called up their big-money donors into our race in an attempt to unseat me! This would be devastating for North Texas as we would be handing the Left our state on a silver platter!

I refuse to stand by and lose our district to Radical Socialists. I have fought tooth and nail to protect North Texas from their plans, but with the elections growing closer, every bit of support is critical in winning our fight! Any donation amount will help us get more yard signs, mailers, and volunteers on the ground spreading the word for our campaign.
This month is our last opportunity to make waves before our primary, and we need to do everything we can to make it a success. 

We cannot allow the Democrats to take North Texas, and with only a few hours left to go - I’m counting on you to pitch in before midnight!
Thank you for your urgent support, 
Beth Van Duyne