Hi John,

Our new batch of leaflets for the Assembly Election have arrived today. It is vital that we get a leaflet into the hands of every voter before 5th May. Pro-abortion MLAs must be "voted out" of our Assembly and replaced with politicians who will uphold the right to life of EVERY PERSON. Please help us distribute the leaflets all across Northern Ireland. You can hand them out to your family, friends, church and prayer groups, and around your local community. 

Also, our peaceful Pro-Life Outreaches continue outside the abortion centres in Belfast, Derry, Newry and Coleraine this coming week. Why not join us for an hour to witness and pray for the unborn babies under threat of abortion.

And our weekly Street Outreach will be in Belfast on Saturday. Come along and be a voice for the unborn babies by helping us distribute our campaign leaflets.

For more information, give us a call on 02890278484 or email [email protected]

Best regards,

The Precious Life Communications Team
Ensure only Pro-Life MLAs are returned to the NI Assembly
Our new batch of Election leaflets for ready for distribution. Every voter in Northern Ireland must read this before they cat their vote on 5th May.

Pro-abortion MLAs must be "voted out" of our Assembly and replaced with politicians who will uphold the right to life of EVERY PERSON...

The Assembly Members who support the killing of our unborn babies are not fit to hold political office. But the Assembly Election on 5th May gives us our first opportunity, since abortion was forced on Northern Ireland to ‘vote them out’ and replace them with MLAs who will uphold the right to life of every person – before and after birth.

The leaflets include: 
•    the current abortion situation in Northern Ireland;
•    the Parties who voted to kill disabled babies;
•    the cruel abortion procedures these babies will suffer;
•    the Political Parties' policies on abortion;
•    a call to action to contact the Political Parties and tell them only pro-life candidates will get your vote;
•    and a simple explanation of how to strategically use the “transferable vote” system to ensure only pro-life candidates are elected.

Please help us distribute the leaflets all across Northern Ireland. You can hand them out to your family, friends, church and prayer groups, and around your local community. Contact us for your batch of Campaign leaflets TODAY !!! 

Call us on 02890278484 or email [email protected]
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