School Choice Bill Republican Charade to Privatize Education

OKLAHOMA CITY - FEBRUARY 14 2022 – Oklahoma’s Republican lawmakers do not value public education and continue their anti-education movement hiding behind “school choice” as if parents do not have a choice for their children’s education. Republicans claim to care about students, teachers, and our education system, but their actions and years of inaction show otherwise. Our public education budget, or lack thereof, reflects how they value public education and our teachers.
“Republicans are brainwashing the public into thinking that parents do not have a choice on where their kids go to school. They believe that the best route to improve our education system is to transfer public taxpayers’ money from public funding into parents’ hands to use for private schooling or homeschooling, calling it ‘choice.’ This couldn’t be farther from the truth. Improving our public education system requires adequate funding and not taking the money away from our schools,” stated Alicia Andrews, Chair of the Oklahoma Democratic Party. Read more...

Attorney General Gets One Thing Right

OKLAHOMA CITY—FEBRUARY 10 2022 – A.G. O’Connor doesn’t believe that the government should interfere between a patient and their physician regarding healthcare decisions. That is exactly what he said about doctors being allowed to prescribe the unproven use of non-FDA-approved drugs ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID.
“Maybe O’Connor is on to something. Healthcare decisions should be between a patient and their physician? What a concept,” stated Alicia Andrews, Oklahoma Democratic Party Chair. “Stitt and Republicans should take their cue from O’Connor’s statement and apply it to all healthcare decisions, especially ones between a woman and her doctor when it comes to family planning. Read more...

Stitt Violates Constitution Once Again

OKLAHOMA CITY—FEBRUARY 9 2022 – A recent audit has discovered that Stitt’s prepayments for $5.4 million in non-received goods violates the Oklahoma Constitution.
“This governor has shown time after time that he thinks he is above the law,” commented Alicia Andrews, Chair of the Oklahoma Democratic Party. “According to the audit, not only did Stitt illegally pre-purchase personal protective equipment, PPE, which is not permitted by our Constitution, $80,000 was made in finder’s fees which lacked legal authority by the Public Health Code.
“Oklahomans should be very concerned by Stitt’s corrupt act in misusing tax dollars as well as his disregard for authority,” Andrews continued. Read more...

Dems Respond to “State of the State”

OKLAHOMA CITY—FEBRUARY 7 2022 – According to Oklahoma Democratic Party Chair Alicia Andrews, the governor’s State of the State address was thin on facts and full of happy talk.
“The governor wasted no time in gloating over Oklahoma’s super-majority and throwing divisive language at the Biden administration. He must live in an alternative universe if he can condemn federal “overreach” while his administration has consistently had a top-down approach in government within our state,” said Andrews.
“He stressed the need to work together when the governor’s administration has shown no interest in working across party lines to better the lives of everyday Oklahomans. His constant talk of a road to making Oklahoma a “top 10” state is countered by the way his own administration has worked to keep us at the very bottom of most things good. Read more...

Shift 1- 4-6pm
Shift 2 - 6-8pm
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Help from the comfort of your home as we work to inform Democrats about the importance of voting in ALL local, county, legislative, and statewide races that are on the 2022 Election Calendar!


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Tune into The Hamilton Report Mondays at 6:30 PM CST. Watch at okdemocrats.org/youtube and facebook.com/okdemocrats