From Lucas Kunce via <[email protected]>
Subject I'm running for U.S. Senate. But tonight, I'll be on Zoom with PCCC!
Date February 17, 2022 4:03 PM
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I'm looking forward to talking with PCCC members like you tonight about my
race for U.S. Senate in Missouri.

Got questions about my campaign? The Republicans I'm running against? The
new poll in my race that Politico reports has national Republicans running
scared? How we can take back power from corrupt corporate-funded
politicians like Joe Manchin blocking critical investments in our country?
I'm ready to answer!

[ [link removed] ]RSVP for the Zoom call here -- I'll be answering your questions today
at 7pm Eastern, 6pm Central, 5pm Mountain, and 4pm Pacific.

(Can't make it but want to help take back power from the giant
corporations and career politicians who’ve stripped our communities for
parts? [ [link removed] ]Chip in to my campaign for U.S. Senate in Missouri here!)

Before our Zoom call tonight, I wanted to take a moment to tell you a
little bit about where I come from and what got me into the U.S. Senate
race in Missouri.

As a kid from a working class neighborhood right in the heart of Missouri,
running for the U.S. Senate was never part of my plan.

[ [link removed] ]Enable images to see Lucas' childhood photo.

Like so many others, my family struggled to make ends meet. Maxed-out
credit cards. Living paycheck-to-paycheck. And when my little sister was
born with a heart condition, we went bankrupt and times had never been

But we weren’t alone -- friends and neighbors came together to support us.
They helped me go to college, and after that I joined the Marines to honor
everything they gave to me.

Between tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, one of the hardest things was
coming home and seeing what was happening in my old neighborhood. A
community picked for parts -- the corner store where my mom floated a
check boarded up, my first family house bulldozed to the ground. Here’s
all that’s left of it:

[ [link removed] ]Enable images to see where Lucas' childhood home stood.

While my buddies and I risked our lives building up towns like Habbaniyah,
Fallujah, and Herat, career politicians and the corporate elites backing
them let our country waste away. Even now, after spending 20 years and
$6.4 trillion on pointless forever wars, defense contractors, and nation
building abroad, they can’t figure out how to invest a fraction of that
amount back into America.

I’m running for U.S. Senate because it’s time everyday Americans -- people
who know how to take care of each other -- called the shots in this

Are you ready to take back power from the giant corporations and corrupt,
career politicians who’ve stripped our communities for parts? Want to hear
more about what that looks like and how we're going to do it?

[ [link removed] ]Join me today on PCCC's Meet the Candidates Zoom call at 7pm Eastern,
6pm Central, 5pm Mountain, 4pm Pacific. I'm looking forward to answering
your questions!

Can't make the Zoom call but want to help? [ [link removed] ]Make a $3 donation to my
campaign here so we’ll have the resources we need to get our message in
front of voters and flip Missouri's U.S. Senate seat. I don’t take any
money from corporate PACs, so I mean it when I say anything makes a big

[ [link removed] ]Enable images to see Lucas with Missourians.

Thank you so much for all your support and I hope we'll be able to meet on
the Zoom call tonight!

-- Lucas Kunce




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