
In just a moment, I’m going to ask you to become a Founding Election Year Donor to my must-win Senate race – but first, I want to tell you about the stakes in this midterm election and why your support today is so crucial.

As you may know, the Senate is divided by a 50-50 margin, which means Democrats don’t even have a real majority. This Senate split is the reason that we haven’t been able to make progress on more of President Biden’s full agenda yet – and the only path toward progress is defending and expanding our Senate majority.

Of course, National Republicans are ready to spend millions to take back Senate control for Mitch McConnell – and they’ve placed a target on my seat, Friend. In the past week, two new aggressive and resourced GOP challengers have come out of the woodwork to run against me and flip our state back to McConnell’s win column.

I don’t want to worry you, Friend, but I need you to know that I can only win this race if I have an incredibly strong grassroots movement behind me. That’s why I’ve set a goal to secure 1,000 Founding Election Year Donors before tomorrow's critical fundraising deadline. Can I count on you to contribute $5 or more now to become a Founding Election Year Donor and protect this Senate seat from extremist Republicans?


We have seen what the extremist Republican Party is capable of, Friend. Just last week, the Republican National Committee called the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol “legitimate political discourse.”

This November, these same extremists are going to spend millions to regain Senate control. If they flip the Senate, they will try to block the president’s entire agenda, further strengthen their domination over the courts, and damage our democracy beyond repair. This is only about consolidating power for them.

My life’s work has been about serving – serving the people of Connecticut and serving our nation. Serving you. America is an idea and an ideal. It must be protected and championed. I will always fight for it, and never stop defending it. 

That’s why I urgently need your support today, Friend. As the Republican Party tries to defeat me, it’s up to this grassroots movement to defend our democracy from Mitch McConnell and the return of Trumpism. We must meet the urgency of this moment, and I need all hands on deck.

Please, Friend, can you donate $5 or more to become a Founding Election Year Donor? I can’t fight back against Republican attacks or keep our Democratic Senate control without your help.

Thank you for stepping up during critical moments like this one.

– Dick

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