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John, please join us today at 2 pm ET / 11 am PT for an important edition of
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ADL’s Fighting Hate from Home webinar series as part of a Day of Action to urge the Senate to confirm Dr. Deborah Lipstadt as U.S. Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism, where she will be a powerful voice on the world stage in the fight against hate.
Thanks in part to our collective efforts, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee finally held a hearing on her nomination. To ensure the Committee votes to send her nomination to the full Senate, we need to reach out to all Senators to make clear that this is a priority as we fight against rising antisemitism. Following a vote in committee, the full Senate will vote on whether to confirm her.
You and every other member of the ADL community across the country can play a vital role in calling for bipartisan support for her confirmation by making sure your Senators know how important the global fight against antisemitism is.
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Today, on this Day of Action, we ask you to speak up for Dr. Lipstadt and against antisemitism. Ready to tell your Senators now? Go to our Day of Action page and click “Contact My Senators.”
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Vote Yes to Confirm Dr. Lipstadt
During our Fighting Hate from Home webinar this afternoon, ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt will talk with actor/activist Joshua Malina and Rabbi Shira Stutman, hosts of the Chutzpod podcast, about the need for Dr. Lipstadt’s confirmation, how you can help make it happen and the importance of advocacy.
Dr. Lipstadt is a pillar of the Jewish community and one of the world’s leading historians on antisemitism. She fought, and won, a landmark legal battle against a Holocaust denier. She is an eminently qualified and distinguished scholar who knows that if we do not learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it. With increased antisemitism in the U.S. and across the globe, the need for an antisemitism envoy has never been more vital.
We’ll walk you through how to contact your Senators and discuss how your call to support Dr. Lipstadt’s confirmation on this Day of Action can make a real difference and will demonstrate your commitment to speaking out against antisemitism.
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We want you to be part of the conversation, so please bring your questions for the Q&A segment.
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WEBINAR: Confirm the U.S. Anti-Semitism Envoy Now
Today, Thursday, February 172:00 PM ET / 1:00 PM CT / 12:00 PM MT / 11:00 AM PT
Featured Speakers:
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Joshua Malina
Joshua starred in the critically-acclaimed television series Sports Night and The West Wing. On the big screen, he has appeared in Bulworth,In the Line of Fire and A View from the Top, among others. More recently, Joshua starred in ABC’s hit show Scandal and in The Big Bang Theory. Joshua can also be seen in the final season of Shameless. In addition to co-hosting
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Chutzpod, he co-created and co-hosted PRX’s hit podcast, The West Wing Weekly.
Rabbi Shira Stutman
Rabbi Stutman co-hosts
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Chutzpod and is a nationally known faith-based leader and change-maker with more than twenty years of experience motivating and inspiring groups large and small, most recently as the founding rabbi of Sixth & I in Washington DC. She teaches and speaks nationally on topics including growing welcoming Jewish spiritual communities; building the connective tissues between different types of people; and the current American Jewish community zeitgeist. She was named one of “America’s Most Inspiring Rabbis” by The Jewish Forward, among other awards.
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Please sign up now to join us today. You can send questions to our experts in the webinar’s chat tool. All registrants will be emailed a link to the recording to re-watch and share.
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