Iraq Yazidis want Big Tech held to account for Islamic State crimes

Social media companies should be investigated over posts in which abducted Yazidi women and girls were trafficked by IS militants, activists and lawyers say

Global nature pact urged to reform harmful subsidies of $1.8 trln a year

Doing so could make an important contribution to unlocking the $711 billion required each year to halt and reverse the loss of nature this decade, researchers say

First woman reported cured of HIV after stem cell transplant

A U.S. patient with leukemia is reported to be the third person cured of HIV following a stem cell transplant from a naturally resistant donor

Kuwait court overturns law criminalising imitation of opposite sex

The court said in a statement on its website that the law was unconstitutional because it did not provide "objective standards" to identify the offence.


OPINION: Big changes are needed for more sustainable, inclusive transport

Amid the electric vehicle revolution, more effort is needed to break our car addiction, with developing nations placed to lead the way

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