

Today I sued the CDC to end their mandates and bureaucratic control over American lives.

Mask mandates are an unconstitutional and unnecessary restriction on American citizens. Continuing to force Americans, ESPECIALLY CHILDREN, into masks for hours on end is simply unnecessary, unreasonable, and we need to end this charade. It’s time for science to be followed. 
With far-left states like California dropping their mask mandates - the argument that masks are necessary has never been weaker. This, among many other reasons, is why I have joined with the Texas Public Policy Foundation to sue the CDC and put a stop to COVID air-travel mandates once and for all.

The Democrats have used COVID as one excuse after another to infringe on our rights, control our lives, and force us to obey.  NO MORE! 

But now I need your help to keep up this fight for our freedom!

For Freedom, 
Beth Van Duyne