Table of Contents: |
Livestream of Monday conference
Social media posts from Capitol Hill
The Atlantic covers H.R. 763 |
Catch up with our
November Lobby Day
This week, 800 CCL volunteers traveled to Washington, D.C., for our biggest-ever November Lobby Day event. Here are some highlights:
On Monday, participants received lobby training and other education about climate advocacy and the Energy Innovation Act. You can watch a full livestream of the Monday conference activities, and access all of the presentation slides, on CCL Community here.
On Tuesday, we met with at least 480 congressional offices. (Pictured above is Sen. Susan Collins of Maine meeting with our volunteers.) One of our young conservative fellows, Adrian Rafizadeh, took over CCL’s Instagram account to show what it’s like to lobby for climate legislation on Capitol Hill. Check out his posts here. Many other volunteers shared their photos and messages to Congress using the hashtag #GrassrootsClimate.
Today, The Atlantic published an article about the Energy Innovation Act titled “How to cut U.S. carbon pollution by nearly 40 percent in 10 years.” The piece features quotes from CCL's legislative staff, Rep. Ted Deutch, Rep. Francis Rooney, and economists who support the bill. Read and share the article here.
Next week we’ll share the results of our volunteers’ work on the Hill, including new cosponsors for the Energy Innovation Act and new members of the Senate Climate Solutions Caucus. Thanks to all our volunteers for their great work on the Hill and at home in their districts!