SAm Science webpage

ICYMI: Nation's Top Doctor Warns of Addiction, Health Dangers from Youth Marijuana Use

This week at a Senate hearing, the nation's top doctor, Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, made a statement about the harms of youth marijuana use. The statement is in line with President Biden's public expressions of concern over marijuana use and opposition to legalization.

"When it comes to youth, I worry that there is a perception that marijuana is completely harmless in children. Our data tells us otherwise. Our data tells that in fact a portion, a substantial minority, of people who use marijuana will actually develop an addiction to marijuana. That number is significantly higher among youth. When kids also have underlying mental health conditions, the impact of marijuana use can also be more significant. And, so, I worry Senator about the messages we may send that say this is ‘utterly harmless’ and ‘there’s no problem here.' We need to be responsible in how we teach our kids about marijuana. I think how we talk to families about marijuana use and I think health care providers also need to be empowered to have these conversations early on as well as teachers."

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For more information on marijuana's harms, see SAM website
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