![]() Patriot, The United States has made a great many foreign policy blunders over the years. We fought a proxy war with the Soviet Union in Vietnam, only to be defeated by the Viet Cong. We fought the Taliban in Afghanistan for twenty years, only for Joe Biden to surrender 83 billion dollars’ worth of weaponry to them. We overthrew Saddam Hussein’s regime in Iraq, for oil and empire. Not to mention the way too many American lives lost and countless more wounded. And yet there is something uniquely disgraceful about Joe Biden’s saber rattling with Russia over Ukraine: there isn’t even a coherent pretext. Vietnam . . . Afghanistan . . . Iraq . . . So much killing. So much destruction. So much money spent to send American soldiers far away from American borders. All for nothing. But at the time, the American public supported all of these wars, because they had an ostensible purpose. No such thing even exists for going to war with Russia for Ukraine. The incoherent pontifications from the White House are utter gibberish, and nobody believes them. Ukraine is no more a democracy than the USSR. The corruption is off the charts. Our national interest to spark a war is non-existent. And yet incredibly, the Washington establishment, including a great number of prominent Republicans including Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Mitch McConnell (R-KY), are agitating for war with Russia, which has a nuclear arsenal, over Ukraine. Why is the Republican establishment on board with this? I can think of two reasons. First, the obvious and ever-present reason: the military-industrial complex. As General Smedley Butler put it, “War is a Racket,” and the war industry has enormous lobbying influence in Washington. The second reason is beyond cynical, but must be said. At a recent fundraiser, Texas Governor Greg Abbott suggested to supporters that the crisis at the southern border would keep Texans voting Republican for the foreseeable future. In other words, Republicans will benefit politically from the Democrats’ policy blunders, so let them do it. Maybe that’s a part of their thinking. Joe Biden appears poised to spark the stupidest, most unpopular war in American history – in which untold numbers American soldiers and innocent civilians will be killed. But it will help Republicans in the midterms! This is, of course, morally bankrupt and insane. The psychopaths in Washington are ginning up for a potential nuclear war, and it’s the American people who will pay, and our soldiers who will suffer and die. It’s not too late to stop the war mongers. Tell your U.S. Representative and Senators in Congress: No War for Ukraine! Whether your congressmen are Democrats or Republicans, they need to hear from you. This is a fight you and I can win. There is nobody outside of the Washington establishment that wants war with Russia . . . other than the military industrial complex. Our representatives and senators need to know -- and it only takes a few seconds to sign our petition and send them a letter -- you will hold them accountable for their consent to war over Ukraine. Every member of Congress has a duty to put the American people first, second, and third. And we have absolutely no national interest in Ukraine. Joe Biden is guilty of the very thing President Trump was falsely impeached for doing: Acting in his official capacity (Biden was Vice President at the time) to extort Ukraine to fire a prosecutor for investigating the corrupt ties between the energy company Burisma and himself via his son Hunter. The War Powers Act requires the president to inform Congress of any military action and get their approval after the fact. And yet despite this necessary approval, there is little indication of much pushback from Congress so far. Tell your Representative and Senators in Congress: No War for Ukraine! We know the American people do not want this war. Never in American history has a war been started without popular support. And it isn’t there – but we must make our voices heard. Certainly, the Biden Administration is waging war on the American people themselves, with efforts to impose vaccine mandates, strip away election integrity laws, and silence dissent on social media. But we cannot let our fight on this one hand – the “domestic” hand – allow us to ignore what the other hand is doing on foreign policy. The damage and destruction that a war with Russia would cause is incalculable. And we can stop it. We just need to speak out. Tell your Representative and Senators in Congress: No War for Ukraine! Then, please consider making a generous contribution to your Campaign for Liberty. Taking on the statists in D.C. is never easy . . . or cheap. But with your help, you and I can stop this madness before it escalates further. Whether you can make a contribution of $250, $500, $1000, or whatever you can afford, any contribution helps us reach and mobilize more people. Thank you for all that you do to save our Republic. For Liberty, ![]() Ron Paul Chairman P.S. We can stop the most senseless war in American history, if only we speak up. Tell your Representative and Senators in Congress: No War for Ukraine! And if you support Campaign for Liberty’s ongoing efforts to expose and stop this madness, please support us with a contribution. It’s the only thing that keeps us going. Click here to support Campaign for Liberty. Whether you can make a contribution of $250, $500, or even $1000, or if $50 is a lot, any contribution helps us reach and mobilize more people. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is
to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional
foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization. |
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