Big oil companies should not play a role in our future. The Pensions Bill will be debated in Parliament on 22nd February. The more MPs that back Caroline's amendments, the more likely they are to be debated and voted upon.
Big oil companies should not play a role in our future.
Caroline Lucas MP has tabled amendments to the Pensions Bill to end pension fund investment in fossil fuels and we have a launched a petition calling on the Government to introduce a Dirty Profits tax on oil giants.
The Pensions Bill will be debated in Parliament on 22nd February. The more MPs that back Caroline's amendments, the more likely they are to be debated and voted upon.
Can you help us break our collective addiction to fossil fuels and speed up the transition to clean and affordable energy?

✍ Write to your MP as soon as possible to ask them to support these amendments using this template email. Post on your social media to say why you’re doing this, using #KeepItInTheGround or #ReclaimOurFuture.

#ReclaimOurFuture London demo: Caroline is hand delivering a letter to Chancellor Rishi Sunak on Monday 28th February urging him to take steps to get dirty fossils fuels out of our economy. Sign up here to let us know you're coming to support her.

Sign our petition calling for the implementation a Dirty Profits Tax on oil companies which have made huge profits from spiralling energy prices and the cost of living crisis. People should not have to make a choice between heating and eating.

Thank you for standing with us to #ReclaimOurFuture.

In solidarity,
Green Team