I wanted to reach out directly for your support of $5 before my Midnight Deadline in 9 hours. Here’s why:
Your $5 will go directly towards:
- Informing voters about my critical work in Congress.
- Ending voter suppression here in Arizona and across the country.
- Protecting and expanding our Democratic Majority.
With only FIVE seats between protecting our Majority or letting Republicans seize power, every cent counts. Your $5 will do more than you know. It would mean so much if you can even spare just $5 in the final 9 hours before the deadline. >>
I have spent my time in Congress fighting to expand voting rights for every American.
This is our best chance in a generation to finally END voter suppression from coast to coast.
But Republicans are furiously rushing to pass voter suppression laws all over the country to keep Democrats from ever winning another elections.
I’m determined to stop them -- but I can’t do it alone.
That’s why I’m only asking for your $5 to help reach the voters we need to PROTECT our Democratic Majority and PROTECT our democracy from falling into Republicans’ hands. Will you help out and chip in before midnight? >>
Thank you,
Ruben Gallego