Team, we did the math and came up with two scenarios that make helping Susie reach her $4,500 mid-month goal easy.
Will you chip in either $4.50 or $45 right now to help Susie Lee reach her mid-month goal?
1,000 of Susie’s supporters chip in $4.50
100 of Susie’s supporters chip in $45
Look, this mid-month goal is incredibly important to Susie’s campaign.
Susie is running in one of the country’s most competitive congressional districts. She has four MAGA opponents who are eager to enact their far-right partisan agendas in Congress. This race could also determine control of the House, endangering our Democratic Majority.
Do we need to say more?
In case we do, several right-wing super PACs have already unleashed more than 3.5 million in dark money to defeat Susie!
We can’t risk falling behind on our fundraising, especially not this close to the election.
If you’re all in to help us reach our mid-month goal, re-elect Susie, and save our House Majority, will you chip in $4.50 or $45 ASAP? →
Thanks for being one of the supporters to help Susie reach her goal!
Team Susie Lee