
I’m writing today to say thank you.

Yesterday, we had our most important mid-month deadline of the campaign, and with the help of grassroots donors like you, I’m happy to report that we hit our $200,000 fundraising goal. Thank you. You made it happen.

I am so grateful to have people like you on the team. When I announced my run for the Senate against Chuck Grassley, I knew what we’d be up against. Grassley has a $3.7 million campaign war chest of cash he’s taken from special interests, and Mitch McConnell is already raising millions into Super PACs getting ready to attack me.

Who knows, maybe Donald Trump’s PACs will have some leftover money after attempting to defend Trump against his various lawsuits to come after me, as well.

The stakes couldn’t be higher. Democrats’ majority in the Senate is razor-thin. If we’re going to combat the climate crisis, protect our democracy and voting rights, take on Wall Street, and expand health care access to everyone, we need to elect more bold Democrats. My Senate race here in Iowa could determine it all.

I’m so thankful to you for helping me defeat Chuck Grassley this year.

Thanks again,

Mike Franken, VADM, U.S. Navy (ret.)