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This has been a major week for the Media Research Center... and it’s only Wednesday!
It’s been incredible to see the influence that our work is having in the real world and, because so much of that success is due to the support of patriots like you, we wanted to send you a quick update.
MRC President Brent Bozell sat down with Donald Trump, Jr. for a Facebook Live event to discuss the liberal media’s war on President Trump and censorship on social media.
Within just a few hours, more than 51 thousand viewers have watched this video and hundreds have shared on their own social media.
In case you missed it, you can watch the full interview here
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The news analysts at MRC’s NewsBusters released a powerful new study which found that the evening news coverage of President Trump since the beginning of the impeachment inquiry has been a shocking 96% negative.
This study has had a powerful impact and it has been incredible to see the attention this has received from major influencers.
President Trump himself shared the study on Facebook saying, “There has never been a time in the history of our Country that the Media was so Fraudulent, Fake, or Corrupt!”
The White House sent out an email blast citing our study claiming: Impeachment Frenzy: TV Networks Blast Trump With 96% Negative News
Mark Levin, Hannity, Fox & Friends, The Five, NewsMax, and the Drudge Report all highlighted the study as well
Here’s a fantastic video compilation of these hits. Check it out by clicking the video screenshot above, or clicking here
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Perhaps one of the best shoutouts came from Mark Levin who opened his show with the study and gave the MRC an incredible tribute, saying:
“Media Research Center, now that's a solid organization come hell or high water, pressure or no pressure, because Brent Bozell is a patriot, as are the people who work with him and for him. And they stay on it. They will not be deterred.”
None of this would have been possible without your support. Thank you for helping make this all happen!
— The MRC Action Team
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The mission of the Media Research Center is to create a media culture in America where truth and liberty flourish.
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The mission of the Media Research Center is to create a media culture in America where truth and liberty flourish. The MRC is a research and education organization operating under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and contributions to the MRC are tax-deductible.
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