President Trump is accountable, and so is Congress.
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Kim Olson for Congress

Jack xxxxxx,

Today marks the beginning of public hearings on the impeachment of President Trump. In the next couple weeks, you will be inundated with talking points and accusations from Republicans who have already shown their allegiance lies with Donald Trump, not America. I urge you all to look simply at the facts.

Those who have come forward to blow the whistle on the President’s illegal actions are non-partisan, credible, and patriotic. They are coming forward out of a commitment to their country and a duty to protect America, while the Republicans you’ll see attacking them are doing so purely for partisan reasons.

Look, I served my country for almost three decades. I know what it’s like to make tough decisions and be a strong leader. The decision to impeach a president will always be a tough one, but any true patriot will take a calculated look at the evidence and make the decision that is best for our country.

Congress is doing their constitutional duty.

When duty calls,

Kim Olson, Col, USAF, ret.


Kim Olson is a farmer, combat veteran, and champion for education. After 25 years in the Air Force, Kim served three years in the Texas State Guard and started a non-profit to help women veterans. Now, she's taking on our broken Congress and running to represent TX-24. Chip in and help Kim fly through to victory.

Kim for Congress
P.O. Box 4
Addison, TX 75001
United States