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Wednesday, February 16th, 2022

The mRNA Covid Shots Are Killing Teenagers

Alex Berenson

The Global Covid Vaccination Campaign Is a Crime Against Humanity

Vasko Kohlmayer

Third Letter to My Vaccinated Friend

James Kullander

Everything’s Gonna Be All White

George Hollenback

Reality Always Wins

The Z-Man

See the CDC Corruption for Yourself

Steve Kirsch

Tulsi Gabbard: ‘Power Elite’ Will ‘Silence & Cancel Anyone Who Dares Question’ Biden

Jay Greenberg

John Durham’s Explosive Motion

George Parry

El Salvador President on Ukraine: ‘The Real War Is in Canada’

John Hayward

Now the New Zealand Freedom Convoy Has Arrived

Jeff Thompson

The Mind Control Police: The Government’s War on Thought Crimes and Truth-Tellers

John & Nisha Whitehead

Can Super-Shots and ‘Morality Pills’ End Covid?

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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