I have three children, all boys, aged 25, 17 and 15. David's been interested in photography for a while now. Logan is considering moving to Santa Cruz to be a psilocybin farmer. Noah's been having fun playing virtual reality games with his cousin Cosmo, who lives in Chico. This is how I want my children spending their days, not being drafted for a ground war in Ukraine or wondering how they'll get their next meal.

That's why I stepped up to do something about our corrupt system, because things have been getting worse for a long time and it's time someone did something about it. Want to help? We are going to have to come up with about $800 for our filing fee, but if each of you pitches in a few bucks, that should be easy.
Politicians like Mike Thompson happily give a symbolic nod to things like Black History Month because it's an easy way to look good, but how many politicians are willing to talk about how their Black constituents are actually doing in the present? How many even KNOW? Mike has proudly talked about killing animals more this month than he has about how his Black constituents are doing or about Black history. Black people are owed economic equality in this country!
Glenn Greenwald, from his show System Update, does a bang up job describing exactly why the White House or members of Congress calling for censorship is a violation of free speech. He even provides receipts.
Hillary Clinton rigged the 2016 primary, colluding with most of the mainstream media, told them to magnify Trump. She paid a lawyer to commission a dossier, the main source of which was a member of her own staff, had her lawyer lie to the FBI and paid to infiltrate Trump's servers. If someone egregiously cheating in a federal election makes you angry then it shouldn't matter what party the criminal is with, they need to be held accountable for their actions.
Is Napa County Supervisor Alfredo Pedroza voting to approve his largest financial contributors' projects & then buying up neighboring properties to enrich himself and his family? This video shared by my friend Beth is fascinating. Please watch it. It must be uncomfortable to have his dirty laundry aired publicly.
Nick Cruse's Plan For Change, as voiced on the Nick & CJ Show on Revolutionary Blackout Network.
Solano County Chief Deputy DA Sharon Henry is running for DA, to unseat Krishna Abrams, who has demonstrated a clear disinterest in justice. It is my sincere hope that you will give Sharon your support in Solano County. The picture links to her website. Click it to learn more.
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