We have to fight for our democracy. These are ominous warning signs, with particular resonance for our community. We're committed to winning this fight.
J Street

Dear Friends, 

It’s been a concerning few weeks.

Art Spiegelman's ‘Maus’ joined the growing list of books right-wing advocates are seeking to ban from school curriculums. Top Republicans sought to redefine the violence of January 6 as “legitimate” political speech. And Trump-backed efforts to undercut our election systems continue in broad daylight.

These are ominous signs for the health of our democracy, with particular resonance for our community.

When we started J Street 14 years ago, our goal was to build support for a new vision of pro-Israel, pro-peace American leadership. One that would fight for a truly just, democratic homeland for the Jewish people as we fought simultaneously for the rights, freedoms and independence of Palestinians.

I never thought we’d have to mobilize to protect our fundamental democratic freedoms here at home as well. But we’re committed to mobilizing our community, pressing pro-democracy priorities on Capitol Hill and partnering with grassroots allies working on the ground to protect our democratic freedoms.

This is a key priority for J Street, and it comes at a time when we cannot afford to back down from other battles over settlements, demolitions, evictions and a horrific spike in settler violence.

Can you make a contribution to sustain our fight on both these fronts? 

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Our history and our values compel us to stand firm in this fight.

Together, we’re challenging all politically engaged American Jewish organizations and pro-Israel groups to take our Democracy Pledge and commit to drawing a red line against supporting any candidate or elected official who voted against certification of the 2020 election or otherwise promoted Trump’s Big Lie.

We recognize also that the fight to protect democratic freedoms spans countries and continents. Both in Israel and in the US, we face right-wing, nationalist forces intent on undermining democratic freedoms and institutions for their own ideological ends.

In the United States, they seek to end the project of a free and pluralistic multi-racial democracy in favor of entrenched right-wing minority rule. In Israel, they seek perpetual occupation of the West Bank -- permanent, undemocratic control of millions of people which is simply incompatible with the vision of Israel as a just, democratic homeland for the Jewish people.

I know this is a time of deep concern. I worry that for many it’s a time of disillusionment. But together we are not powerless. Together, we can forge a better future to pass down to our children in Israel, Palestine and the United States.

With your support, this is the work J Street is committed to each and every day.

Can we count on you to make a contribution to this fight? 

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Donate $270 Other

Thank you, sincerely, for your ongoing support. For the countries and people we care about, we cannot afford to fall short.

Yours sincerely,

Jeremy Ben-Ami
President, J Street

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© 2022 J Street | www.jstreet.org | [email protected]

J Street is the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans who want Israel to be secure, democratic and the national home of the Jewish people. Working in American politics and the Jewish community, we advocate policies that advance shared US and Israeli interests as well as Jewish and democratic values, leading to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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