Lindsey Williams has spent her first term advocating for hardworking Pennsylvanians and their families, but now, there’s a target on her back. Can we count on you to help us re-elect Lindsey in 2022?

Hey team — have you seen the news?

HEADLINE: "Republican Lori Mizgorski, drawn out of state House district, will take a run at 38th District Senate Seat"

Now, the race is officially on. And in such a high-stakes election, we know the Pennsylvania GOP is going to spend a ton of money trying to flip Lindsey’s seat and maintain their majority. That’s why today, I’m asking you to stand with Team Williams.


Lindsey Williams has spent her first term relentlessly advocating for hardworking Pennsylvanians and their families.

When she saw the disparities in fully and equitably funded early childhood education programs across our state, Lindsey got to work as Minority Chair of the Senate Education Committee fighting to allocate more resources for our students and additional classroom support for our educators. Lindsey knows that our students are our future, but if we can’t keep well-qualified staff employed, our education system can and will break down.


As someone who was illegally fired for union organizing, Lindsey Williams also knows that strengthening workers’ rights is the key to a healthy and equitable economy. That’s why Lindsey has consistently advocated for stronger workplace protections like paid family leave, unemployment benefits for striking workers, and the Workplace Freedom Act, which makes it easier for workers to organize. She believes that when our workers do better, we all do better.


Above all, Lindsey has stood firm in her fight to make Pennsylvania a more equitable state where everyone can live, work, and thrive. As a member of the LGBTQ+ Equality Caucus, she’s led the fight creating legislation that protects our friends, family, and neighbors in the LGBTQIA+ community, including statewide non-discrimination laws and bills that make it easier for transgender Pennsylvanians to change their names. Lindsey Williams knows the first step toward a brighter future for our communities is cutting the red tape that stands in the way.


Yesterday’s news comes as no surprise to us: We knew the Pennsylvania GOP would do anything in their power to preserve the status quo. But now, there’s a target on Lindsey’s back, and with only a few months until the primary election, your support is critical to keeping Lindsey Williams in Harrisburg for another term.

Can we count on you, friend?

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If you’re all in, consider making a monthly contribution from now until the big election so we can get ahead of whatever our opponent throws at us. Click here to start a monthly pledge.

There is only one person qualified to continue representing the people of District 38 in Harrisburg, and that’s Lindsey Williams. With you on our team, I know we’ll have what it takes to win big this November.

In solidarity,

Viola Garis
Campaign Manager
Team Williams

Lindsey Williams for PA
Lindsey Williams for PA
PO Box 97024, Pittsburgh, PA 15229
[email protected]
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Paid for by Lindsey Williams for PA