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Dear John,

President Trump has nominated too many unqualified men and women for lifetime federal judgeships to count, but now, we're facing one of the worst ones yet.

Last week in the Judiciary Committee, I voted against Steven Menashi, President Trump's nominee for a lifetime seat on the Second Circuit, but my "no" vote wasn't enough. I also decided to speak out, because Menashi simply does not belong on a federal bench.

Menashi has been behind some of the worst actions of the Trump administration, from the inhumane treatment of women, children, and families at our border to rolling back civil rights protections, along with Secretary Betsy DeVos, at the Department of Education.

Here's the biggest problem: There are more Steven Menashis out there, and unless we take back the Senate and defeat President Trump in 2020, we're going to see more people like him become federal judges for life.

You can count on me to oppose Trump nominees like Steven Menashi, but I need your help to stop the Trump Administration and Senate Republicans from stacking the courts for generations with unqualified, ideological judges who will impact our lives and the lives of our children and grandchildren.

If you're with me in the fight to preserve the integrity of our courts, chip in $5 or more today >>

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Thank you,


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