The Institute for Women’s Policy ResearchAmerican University Program on Gender Analysis in Economics, and the Carework Network invite you to save the date for an exciting and timely event: “The U.S. Care Infrastructure: From Promise to Reality” March 4–5, 2022 in Washington, DC, and online.

President Biden’s Build Back Better agenda has set ambitious goals for the U.S. care infrastructure. This important conference will convene academics, policy researchers, advocates, and policymakers to explore critical issues and policy proposals for the care industry, including paid family and medical leave, care for older adults and people with disabilities, child care issues, and racial/equity issues in the industry. We’ll discuss issues facing individual care workers as well as the broader economics of the care infrastructure in the United States post-COVID-19. The conference will serve as a space to collectively assess and push policy development and research on care in the United States, drawing on international experiences and examples. 

Please join us for this critical event!

Dates: March 45, 2022

Hybrid Format: This event will be accessible online and in-person (the COVID-19 pandemic permitting) at AU Washington School of Law in Washington, DC.

More information here

Institute for Women's Policy Research

1200 18th Street NW, Suite 301

Washington DC, 20036
