In a not so loving Valentine’s Day message yesterday, the ATF tweeted the following
Laura Loomer for Congress


In a not so loving Valentine’s Day message yesterday, the ATF tweeted the following:

tweet from the atf

So basically, if you want your ex’s door kicked in by armed thugs empowered by the tyrannical Biden Regime, the ATF has a solution for you.

Just wow!

It’s the job of Congress to oversee the Executive Branch and departments like the ATF. Where’s the oversight??

Help me get to Congress so I can jump all over government agencies that use these tyrannical tactics against Americans.

This is NOT cute, it’s NOT funny. It is terrorism at the hands of the government!

And it must stop!

For those of you who have been following me, you know that two years ago I was illegally Red Flagged by the FBI and federally banned and prohibited from being able to own or possess a firearm. I know what it’s like to be targetted by the government and stripped of your Second Amendment Right – all because I confronted former FBI Director James Comey at his book signing!

I’m running for Congress so I can make sure what has happened to me never happens to any American like YOU.

While the ATF jokes about turning in ex partners, husbands, and wives, NO ONE is joking about the Waco compound filled with men, women and children that was set ablaze by the ATF while anyone trying to escape the flames was gunned down by snipers!

And you won’t hear any laughs coming from any surviving Weaver family members who watched Vicki Weaver and her 14-year-old son, Sammy, gunned down by federal agents at Ruby Ridge.

And NO ONE is laughing about the people who were killed by guns trafficked to Mexican drug cartels by the ATF in Obama’s “Fast and Furious” operation that left innocent Border Patrol Officer Brian Terry dead!

The ATF, FBI and other alphabet departments that have been weaponized by the Executive Branch under Joe Biden have no fear of being held accountable by Congress.

Donate to support my Congressional campaign today and help me get to Washington where I will fight like hell against crooked federal law enforcement agencies that are abusing their power to infringe upon YOUR Second Amendment right!


Laura Loomer



Paid for by Laura Loomer for Congress Inc
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Laura Loomer for Congress Inc
720 Lucerne Ave, #1465
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