How are you, folks?

It’s a busy time here in Washington, and as much as I wish I could be back at the farm, I’ve got a lot on my plate.

I’ve been working hard to pass my Meat Packing Special Investigator Act — which will make a huge difference for American families by lowering prices for meat at the supermarket while cracking down on consolidation in the Ag industry.

And of course, we’ve got a new Supreme Court justice confirmation process kicking off soon, so I’m preparing to ensure that we confirm a justice who will uphold our democratic values and rule of law.

But enough about me. I just wanted to reach out and ask — how are you?

As a United States Senator, the most important part of my job is ensuring that our government is doing everything we can for you and your families. In order to do that, I need to hear from you, so I’m asking:

Will you take a minute to let me know what issues are at the top of your mind right now? Your response will help me determine what my colleagues and I can prioritize in the Senate.


Thanks for taking a moment to give me your input. I’m looking forward to reading your responses soon.

— Jon