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** November 13, 2019 [link removed] [link removed] [link removed] [link removed] [link removed]
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The Case for Free-Market Liberalism in Africa ([link removed])
by Germinal G. Van ([link removed])
The African continent is exceedingly rich in natural resources, yet the living standard of Africans is very low. The most plausible explanation for this discrepancy is the lack of a system that protects private property.
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The FDA Wants to Control Your Stem Cells ([link removed])
by A. Rahman Ford ([link removed])
Our right to privacy is premised upon the idea of personal autonomy and extends to the right to bodily integrity. This includes our stem cells.
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Why a "Crypto-Yuan" Won't Threaten the Dollar ([link removed])
by Daniel Lacalle ([link removed])
China cannot disrupt the global monetary system and dethrone the US dollar when it has one of the world’s tightest capital control systems, a lack of separation of powers and weak transparency in its own financial system
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[link removed] Rick Rule: Deep Understanding of Markets Opens a Pathway to Entrepreneurial Leadership ([link removed])
by Hunter Hastings ([link removed])
Rick Rule explains the economic foundations of a journey to entrepreneurial leadership in a market segment that many others find intimidating and impossibly complex.
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