Dear Supporter,

Facts matter.

Today, we are witnessing history as only the 4th ever Presidential Impeachment hearings begin in the US House of Representatives. The facts of the case are not at issue. They are clear and indisputable. Yet, in order to protect power and not to protect you, the People, Republicans will lie and have lied at length.

Facts matter...

Your elected officials are charged with providing for your safety and security. Their campaigns are when they audition for your trust in doing so. In this North Carolina Senate campaign, facts don't seem to matter to either of my opponents as they characterize their campaigns as being funded only low dollar grassroots donations. To that, I say...

Facts matter.

My campaign and my public service reflects devotion and dedication to the truth and to the power of the people. I am unbought and unbossed, and despite my primary opponent spending $50,000 in a digital ad campaign with his money from New York Billionaires, I am still beating him head to head. To that I say...

Facts matter.

The truth of the matter is that YOU are fueling hope for this campaign. You are helping to defeat millions of dollars in out of state money. You have beat back these millions with your steadfast devotion to your state. Your voice won't be bought. Your voice is not for sale.

Your support of my One of Us for All of Us campaign gives HOPE to progressive candidates around the nation who seek to restore the voice of the people to the US Senate and to supplant the undue influence of money. My opponents would say otherwise, but to them, facts DO NOT matter. WE will hold them accountable. Anything you can give to support this grassroots campaign sends the message that you too are unbought and unbossed and you and you alone will choose your next North Carolina Senator!

Facts matter.





{{Authorized and Paid for by Erica for US .}}

{{Erica For US  P.O. Box 1236 Gaston, North Carolina 27832}}