Big update for you, team --

It’s official: Our campaign has met the polling criteria to reach the fall debates! 

That’s huge -- now, the only thing standing in our way is the DNC’s mandatory 130,000 unique donor threshold. We’re getting closer every day, but we’ll need a few more big pushes if we’re going to reach it.

Here’s a way you can help right now: Just chip in $1. That’s it. That gets you counted as someone who wants to see Cory in the debates.

These are the candidates we already know have reached the donor threshold: 

Joe Biden. Pete Buttigieg. Julián Castro. Kamala Harris. Bernie Sanders. Elizabeth Warren. Andrew Yang.

And we’ve got every reason to believe Beto O’Rourke has as well. (He hasn’t reported his total yet.)

If you think Cory belongs up there on the stage with those folks, he needs your help right now. 

Will you make a donation today and get us one step closer to guaranteeing Cory's spot on the debate stage?

Thank you -- today’s news is a big deal. We're so proud of what we’re building together.

Team Cory






Paid for by Cory 2020

P.O. Box 32009 Newark, NJ 07102 | All content © 2019 Cory 2020, All Rights Reserved.

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