With the nation’s income and wealth highly concentrated at the top and growing more so in recent decades, policymakers should reconsider ([link removed]) how the tax code treats the most well-off.
High-income, and especially high-wealth, households enjoy a number of generous tax benefits that can dramatically lower their tax bills.
Eliminating or limiting these preferences ([link removed]) would make the tax code more progressive and push back against inequality. It would also raise significant revenue that could be used to fund key priorities and help address the nation’s fiscal challenges.
Much income of wealthy households doesn’t show up on their annual tax returns, and much of what does enjoys special breaks. Our new report ([link removed]) outlines a range of proposals to tax high incomes and large fortunes more effectively.
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Read the Report ([link removed])
Download the PDF (29pp) ([link removed])
** Additional Resources
› Need a quick read? Our new blog post ([link removed]) dives into the details without being in the weeds.
› Are you a visual learner? We've got an animation ([link removed] ) of how high-income, and especially high-wealth, tax filers can avoid a large amount of income tax.
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