News from Representative Allred

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November 13, 2019

Dear Friend,

Everywhere I go across the 32nd District, whether that is visiting small businesses and organizations, or holding round tables and town halls, I hear from folks about the high cost of prescription drugs. Too often, I’m told the heartbreaking stories of North Texans like Shane from Garland, who, even with health insurance and a good job, struggles to afford her medicine. 

Recently, I shared Shane’s story with my colleagues in Washington, in an effort to bring attention to the issues that real people in our region face. Stories like Shane’s are my motivation for fighting in Congress to lower prescription drug prices. 

I want to hear your story. If you personally struggle with the high cost of prescription drugs or health care, please share your story here

I am leading the charge to pass the Lower Drug Costs Now Act and will continue fighting to deliver results for North Texans that help lower costs.  

HR 3

The health and well-being of North Texans is my number one priority and I will continue to work with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to pass legislation that provides real relief for the American people. 

It’s an honor to represent Texas’ 32nd District where I was born and raised. If you would like to contact me, please send an email, or call my office at 972-972-7949. 


Colin Allred
Member of Congress


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