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Dear friends,

It was a pleasure to have you at the Bystander Intervention 2.0: Conflict De-escalation Training. This training is a collaboration between Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC and Hollaback!.

The other way to get closer to a world where everyone is free from harassment is to share this and other trainings with your friends, families, and other co-conspirators.

Harassment is a power dynamic that constantly reminds historically subordinated groups of their vulnerability to assault in public spaces. Girls, women, and transgender and gender non-binary individuals are harassed more frequently simply because of their gender identity or gender expression.  Register for one of our Bystander Intervention training to address Gender-Based harassment training and help us to chip away at the culture that allows harassment to be so prevalent.

Additional tools to help you address anti-Asian/American and xenophobic harassment:

Get more trainings from Hollaback! here.

To become a co-sponsoring organization please fill out this form.

If you are interested in a training personalized for your workplace, contact us here.
