We need to do everything we can between now and November to keep Paul LePage’s extremist agenda out of Maine.


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Back when Paul LePage was governor he vetoed proposals to expand Medicaid six times. He opposed efforts to raise Maine’s minimum wage to a living wage. He tried to rezone 10 million acres of northern Maine for development.

Now, he wants his job back. We need to do everything we can between now and November to keep Paul LePage’s extremist agenda out of Maine.

Rush a donation of $5, $10, $20, or whatever you can to support MDP’s efforts to build our democratic movement in communities across Maine. We need your help to keep Maine blue in 2022.

Governor Mills and Democrats in Augusta have been busy these past few years. They have finally expanded health care coverage and fully funded Maine’s public education. They have supported Mainers through the pandemic using commonsense public health measures and worked with Democrats in Washington to provide much needed economic relief. Now Maine’s unemployment rate is the lowest it’s been since the beginning of the pandemic and the economy is bouncing back faster than ever.

All the while, Republicans in Maine have been trying to block progress at every turn. If LePage gets elected, they’ll drag us backward and erase everything we’ve gotten done over the last three years.

Grassroots supporters like you made the difference in electing Democratic majorities and a Democratic governor just a few years ago. You are the reason we’re making so much progress today. Elections have consequences, both good and bad; now we need your help to win the next fight.

Chip in $5, $10, $20, or whatever you can to support the Maine Democratic Party and help us defeat Paul LePage and his extreme conservative agenda this November.

Thank you,


Gaetan Davis
Executive Director
Maine Democratic Party






Paid for by Maine Democratic Party. Not Authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.

Maine Democratic Party
PO Box 5258
Augusta, ME 04330
United States
