Hi John!

While our country is easily focused on division and hatred, days like today remind us what’s really important: love!

It is love for this country, our community, and my family that keeps me going and I hope the progress we continue to make reflects just that. The past year has been more difficult than we expected, but I am nevertheless thankful for what we have achieved together as one team.

On a day when it’s all about love, I want to make sure you know that you and your support is greatly appreciated every step of the way.

Whatever you decide to do this Valentine’s Day, please be safe and remember that we are all in this together!

Whoever you decide to celebrate today with, my wife and I hope you stay safe!

Wishing you a happy Valentine’s Day,
Mike Thompson


Authorized & Paid For By Mike Thompson For Congress
Mike Thompson for Congress
PO Box 10541
Napa, CA 94581
United States