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Weekly Roundup

Sleepy Joe and Boozy Boris Pushing for Insane War

With US and British ‘intelligence’ agencies issuing more and more ‘WMD’-style war propaganda, even the Ukrainians are pushing back against the insane attempt to provoke Russia into conflict.
Joe Biden has just refused to fly to an emergency meeting in Ukraine, despite President Volodymyr's Zelensky urgently requesting the US president to visit. Last week, the Ukrainians complained that the hysterical Nato ‘warnings’ of an imminent invasion are unfounded and provocative.
True to form, Boris Johnson seems to be doing his best to inflame the far-off crisis, in order to detract public attention from his ‘partygate’ woes and a possible leadership challenge at home.
If you do wake up later this week and find that we’re at war, you’ll know exactly who to blame!

Time to build: Join the English Dems and Go Gold!

I am delighted to inform you of a very special invitation now open to you: the English Democrats ‘GOLD MEMBERSHIP’ offer.
If you accept my invitation today — you’ll receive all the valuable benefits only available to GOLD MEMBERS, FREE

 FREE Exclusive Black-Tie Dinner with the Chairman every year at a prestigious venue.
 FREE Exclusive GOLD MEMBER ‘St George Sovereign Medal’ in a presentation box.
 FREE Exclusive GOLD MEMBER Pin Badge to wear with pride and dignity.
 FREE Exclusive GOLD MEMBERSHIP Card with Key fob
 FREE Complimentary ‘Annual Party Reports’
 FREE Complimentary copies of the Party’s Magazine, for your friends.

Simply by becoming a GOLD MEMBER, you will be facilitating the hopes, prayers and aspirations of every true English man and English woman.




Parents Win Judicial Review Opportunity

A couple on the Isle of Wight are now homeschooling their two sons after primary school staff on the Isle of Wight warned then that their six-year-old’s questioning another boy over wearing a dress made him 'transphobic'.

Sally and Nigel Rowe, whose sons attended a Church of England school, say they received a letter from the head teacher and chair of governors which declared pupils could be seen as transphobic if they showed 'an inability to believe a transgender person is actually a ''real'' female or male.'

The letter also added that refusing to use a transgender pupil's adopted name or gender appropriate pronouns would be considered 'transphobic behaviour'.

The Rowes pulled their children out of school in 2016 and 2017 after one of their sons came home confused that a boy in his class had begun inconsistently wearing a dress and identifying as a girl. The case is back in the news because the couple have been granted permission for a judicial review. A hearing will take place later this year

Mr Rowe says: 'This is not just about boys wearing dresses. This case is about an ideology that is now embedded in schools, local authorities, and Church of England leadership, and is causing serious long-term harm to thousands of children.

'We believe it is wrong to encourage very young children to embrace transgenderism. Boys are boys and girls are girls. Gender dysphoria is something we as Christians need to address with love and compassion, but not in the sphere of a primary school environment.

'We took this action with heavy hearts, but having seen how this issue has escalated, we feel vindicated and believe the government must be challenged’.

This Week in English History

February 14th, 1797, saw the Battle of Cape St Vincent: A British fleet under Admiral Sir John Jervis defeated a larger Spanish fleet under Admiral Don José de Córdoba y Ramos near Cape St. Vincent, Portugal. Captain Horatio Nelson distinguished himself in the bitter naval battle, which began the destruction of the Spanish fleet which was to be completed by Nelson eight years later at the Battle of Trafalgar, when both the French and their Spanish allies were crushed.

The clash off Cape St. Vincent saw fifteen British ships defeated a Spanish fleet of 27 more heavily armed vessels. Having taken the San Nicolás, Nelson used her as a ‘bridge’ from which to board and capture the San José. The risky action became a vital part of the Nelson legend.

Yours sincerely

Robin Tilbrook

Party Chairman

English Democrats Party · PO Box 1066, 
Norwich NR14 6ZJ, United Kingdom
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