Study: Picky eating isn’t limited to kids
Here’s why you should try new foods too.

'Widow makers' aren't just a problem for men
'Widow makers' aren't just a problem for men
Nearly a third of all heart attacks among women are of this variety.
Does aromatherapy really work?
Does aromatherapy really work?
It's not a cure-all, but it could be helpful in some cases. You should check with a doctor.
“This is a wonderful example of how diversity in our work force truly benefits all of us.”
“This is a wonderful example of how diversity in our work force truly benefits all of us.”
Sharon Henry, doctor of nursing practice and executive director of Home Health Access at Advocate Aurora Health, reflects on the importance of diversity in health care.
Grilled lamb chops with eggplant salad
Grilled lamb chops with eggplant salad
Here we grill eggplant slices and red onion to toss in a salad with fresh mint and parsley to accompany grilled lamb chops.

Doc's Three Tips
Three things to know about weight-loss surgery
Dr. Rami Lufti
Surgery can be a low-risk option for people of a certain body-mass index. Talk to your doctor about what might be right for you
Surgery isn't a silver bullet. Diet, exercise and medical management is usually needed
Weight loss surgery can lead to lifestyle improvements if it's right for you

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Monday Musings
“We are each other's harvest; we are each other's business; we are each other's magnitude and bond.”
-Gwendolyn Brooks