Roses are red, violets are blue, health care workers are awesome, so we’re saying THANK YOU!
Health care workers provide care around the clock, come rain or shine in every community across the country. So now it’s our turn to show doctors, nurses, and all health care providers some love for their hard work and dedication!
We're sending a digital Valentine’s Day card to health care workers all over the country to express our deepest gratitude for everything they have done and continue to do for our communities. Will you join us in sharing the love for Hospital Heroes this Valentine’s Day?
We ask so much of our health care workers, particularly as we continue to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic. Sign the card above – you can even leave a special note – and we’ll deliver it to health care workers for you!
It will only take a moment. Share the love, and let Hospital Heroes know how much you value everything they do!
Thank you,
Coalition to Protect America's Health Care
P.S. Looming Medicare cuts threaten the ability of hospital workers to provide essential care to millions of Americans. Tell Congress: NO cuts to Medicare.