Did Hillary Spy on the White House?
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Happy Monday! Did you watch the Super Bowl? Moderna CEO Dumps Stock & Deletes Twitter
The Moderna CEO’s strange moves came shortly after a former Blackrock executive began investigating the death statistics [[link removed]] from insurance companies and funeral homes.
Russia-Ukraine Update
A dozen Russian tanks are stuck in the mud [[link removed]] near the Ukrainian border. Biden had an hour-long call with Putin [[link removed]] over the weekend, and it didn't go well.
Biden Team Indecisive
Biden's dithering withdrawal from Afghanistan has been blamed for worsening the chaos on the ground [[link removed]] and putting American lives at risk by a newly-declassified US intelligence report.
Hillary Spied on Trump
An explosive new legal filing alleges the 2016 presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton paid an internet company to "infiltrate" servers at the White House [[link removed]] and Trump Tower to frame former President Donald Trump.
CNN Poll Ignores Their Own Polling
I know it doesn't surprise anyone here, but Biden's poll numbers continue to collapse, and CNN failed to report on their own poll. [[link removed]]
Your Funny for the Day! This graphic shows who the American people were rooting for [[link removed]] in the Super Bowl.We aren't falling for this malarkey [[link removed]] again.Have you filed your taxes yet? How many dependents did you claim? [[link removed]]
New Shirt in the CaucusRoom Store!
Government Funding Expires [[link removed]]
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