If you are, please keep reading this quick message…
The Party has a massive deadline this week. It’s February’s MID-MONTH DEADLINE. It’s coming up on Tuesday, and we’ve got until MIDNIGHT on the 15th to help the Republican Party out.
This deadline isn’t like the other ones that the Party leaders set. It’s different because February is the SHORTEST month of the year.We only have 28 days to raise the same money that we’re expected to raise to stay on top.That’s 2-3 fewer days than we usually have, and that makes this month one massive uphill battle.
If the Democrats blast out the news that they had a successful fundraising month in February, it’s going to be a direct blow to the momentum we’ve been amassing across the country.
They’ll start funneling their massive dollars into the pockets of Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Stacey Abrams… the crooked list goes on and on and on. Power-hungry career politicians. That’s all you need to know to pick up your wallet and fight for the Republican Party with us.
Let’s get through February on top of the fundraising game. Beating the Dems on this front is a strong sign of what the polls are going to show in November.
With the best of the Republican Party in mind, Robert