
I urgently need your help.

If we defeat Chuck Grassley and turn Iowa blue, Democrats are guaranteed to hold onto our fragile majority in the Senate. But after a poll from the Des Moines Register showed just 27% of Iowa voters want to re-elect Chuck Grassley, Big Pharma, Wall Street, and the NRA made huge corporate PAC donations to Grassley’s campaign.

With Trump already coming to Iowa to endorse and campaign for Grassley, we cannot afford to miss a single fundraising goal. But I need your help: With just 48 hours until our most critical mid-month deadline yet, we’re still $29,434 short of our $200,000 goal.

If we miss this goal, we could lose our only chance of defeating Grassley and turning Iowa blue – and with it, our Democratic Senate majority. There’s simply too much at stake for us to fall even one dollar short right now, so I’m asking for your immediate grassroots support:

Time is running out, and I have nowhere else to turn: Please, before our critical mid-month deadline, will you rush a donation for $5 or more right now to help me defeat Chuck Grassley? Every dollar you give today will help turn Iowa blue and protect our Democratic majority in the Senate.

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

I’m not taking a dime from corporate PACs, but that means I’m counting entirely on grassroots donors like you to fund our people-powered campaign.

I am so grateful for your support,

Mike Franken, VADM, U.S. Navy (ret.)