
Tomorrow is the first step in taking back the House. Early voting in North Texas begins, and Beth needs one last push from our grassroots army!

Over the past year, we’ve seen what the radical Socialists have tried to do in our country. In just one year, they have devastated our economy, stripped us of our rights and liberties, and worked to ensure our federal government is larger than ever!
Now, our chance to retake the House is here. We have to beat the Left if we want to see Beth keep fighting for our Conservative values in Congress. Beth has done so much for North Texas by supporting local businesses, fighting for our law enforcement, and standing up to the Radical Left’s overreach, and she needs our support! 
She won’t be able to keep up the fight in Washington without your support at the polls and in her fundraising efforts, which is why we need you to chip in today before North Texas starts voting tomorrow!

Remember to get out and vote!
Team Van Duyne