Good news, John! Mark Kelly is in the lead in the Arizona Senate race!
“Kelly leads generic Republican in Senate reelection bid” (The Hill)
However , things could change on a dime, and we need to be prepared. The best way for us to do that is to double down on registering young Latinos in Arizona.
(Can you chip in to our voter registration work?) [[link removed]]
Why are we focusing on young Latinos? Glad you asked!
• They overwhelmingly tend to vote Democratic.
• Their votes will decide this race, and this race will determine if the Senate stays blue … or turns a bright shade of red .
There are 296,389 Latinos registered to vote in Arizona who didn’t vote in 2020 , so one thing’s for sure: We have our work cut out for us. Please make a quick contribution to our voter registration efforts in Arizona and help us ensure Sen. Mark Kelly is reelected by the widest possible margin! [[link removed]]
Voto Latino
Voto Latino
PO Box 35608
Washington, DC 20033
United States
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