
This is incredibly urgent: Mitch McConnell’s DC group just started running ads supporting Chuck Grassley and against Democrat Mike Franken!

Admiral Mike Franken CAN defeat Chuck Grassley and turn Iowa blue this November. All of the polls confirm Grassley is more vulnerable than he’s ever been, and political pundits are already saying this race could be one of the closest in the country.

But with Senate control at stake, McConnell and his Super PACs are now about to start blanketing the state in lie-filled ads to try to turn the Senate red.

We’ve set an emergency rapid response goal to raise another $15,000 before midnight tonight, but we’re counting on grassroots donors like you to give now if we’re going to hit our goal and defeat Chuck Grassley this November:

Please, will you give $5 or more right now – every single dollar you can afford before midnight tonight – to help Admiral Mike Franken defeat Chuck Grassley, turn Iowa blue, and protect our Democratic majority in the Senate?

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately: