Insider News from the Political Revolution!
HEADLINES: Phonebank Force 2022! | Nina Turner, Round 2! | Jumaane Williams | Turning Out for Texas | Cawthorn Cracking? | M4A on the March in Ohio | Dems Need Drug Price Reform | & MORE! ★ ★ ★ Our Revolution is taking on the big money interests blocking the progressive solutions we need. As a 100-percent grassroots organization, our work depends on you becoming a recurring monthly donor today. ★ ★ ★ It’s Valentine’s Day and Black History Month. Together, we fight for a better world out of love for our fellow man, our country, and our planet. As Nina Turner reminds us: “All that we love is on the line.” Read on for our endorsement of Nina and our diverse progressive champions working for racial, social, economic, and environmental justice. ★ ★ ★ Our next National Organize to Win Call will be Monday, February 28th. In the meantime, we’re growing our army of volunteers to power our GOTV field operations for our candidates! Early voting starts in T-minus 2 days for our Texas slate. Join our 2022 Phonebank Force to maximize our impact at the polls! SIGN UP ★ ★ ★ OUR PLAN TO WIN Our Revolution is taking on 2022 with a 4-Point Plan to win a progressive America. This is how we organize to change politics and get results. Read the latest on how Our Revolution is carrying out our mission below! ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ JOIN THE 2022 PHONEBANK FORCE! Our Revolution has launched our National Phonebank Force for 2022! Our mission - should you choose to accept it - is to get more than 8 million identified progressive voters to the polls in the primaries and beyond! Let’s make our voter turnout skyrocket and eclipse the corporate competition. SIGN UP to make calls and rise through the ranks to earn rewards along the way! Don’t worry, our crew will be there to help every new recruit become a star caller! Hit the phones with us every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday! Each call is one small step that adds up to a giant leap for the progressive movement!
★ ★ ★ WE’RE PUTTING PROGRESSIVES IN POWER Progressive candidates are coming out strong for the 2022 midterms — and Our Revolution members are ready to flip red seats, win open seats, and replace corporate incumbents. We need allies at every level of government who will organize with us on the outside to realize our progressive vision. And, we have that kind of partner in Chito Vela, our first victory of 2022! Chito told us he won big in his race for Austin TX City Council with the help of our army of volunteers. “Like I told Axios, the support from Our Revolution was critical. It gives you validation as a pro-working class candidate. I’m so excited we had a big win. With seven candidates, we got 59% of the vote — that’s how strong progressives were here in #ATX. The texts, the phone banking, the network of activists, it’s validating as a pro-working class candidate.” “It’s such a special feeling to know there’s this network of folks who want to see good elected officials who aren’t owned by the corporate donors,” Chito said. “And, I’ll be fighting from day one to my last day in office.” ★ ★ ★ Our Revolution is 100-percent behind Nina Turner in her run to represent Ohio’s 11th District in Congress! Nina is a servant leader and proud member of Our Revolution, who has done the work on Cleveland City Council, in the Ohio State Senate, and nationwide as Co-Chair of Bernie’s 2020 Presidential Campaign. “It’s not about one great activist leader, it’s about all of us. As Our Revolution reminds us, this is a movement,” Nina said on our Live Monday Night Broadcast. “There is no greater force on the face of this earth than a conscious-minded people on the move and we are those people.” Dr. Kiki Kranz talked on the call about the work of ordinary people powering Nina’s runs. Last time, she said, members recruited 753 volunteers, made 255,000 phone calls, and knocked on thousands of doors — and we’re ramping up for Round 2! “I’m really excited!” Kiki said. “We’re scaling up Our Revolution Ohio, the Phonebank Force, and kicking into high gear to really work hard to get Senator Nina Turner elected to Congress!” ★ ★ ★ As reported by the NYT, Our Revolution is backing Jumaane Williams in his race for Governor of New York! Jumaane has a long relationship with Our Revolution-NYPAN. We supported his 2018 run for Lt. Governor and his reelection last year as NYC Public Advocate. He represented Brooklyn’s 45th District on NYC Council for 10 years. Jumaane is the only candidate for Governor who supports our priorities, like passing the NY Health Act, extending the eviction moratorium, taxing the wealthy, and making CUNY tuition-free. “We’re the only progressive option in this race. The new governor is a nice person, but people are so scarred they’re trying to make ‘nice’ the ceiling – nice is the floor,” he said on our broadcast Monday night. “Normal didn’t work for most people. We need to do better than normal.” On Wednesday, our Long Island Activists chapter and allies held a forum with Jumaane on his strategy for housing, criminal justice, climate and more. SIGN UP to volunteer with Our Revolution to Get Jumaane on the Ballot! Also, Monday is the LAST DAY for NY voters to register as a Democrat to be eligible to vote in the June 28th primary! ★ ★ ★ Our Revolution member Susanna Ledesma-Woody is running for Travis County TX Commissioner (Precinct 4) because she’s tired of seeing her community suffer. “Many parts of our community are recognized as food deserts and healthcare deserts. There’s no excuse,” Susanna said on our Monday night call. “Fighting to enact solutions should be a priority not just talking points in an election season. I will fight for long-neglected issues facing our community.” Susanna will fight for permanent hospitals and clinics in the district, infrastructure investment, and criminal justice reform. ★ ★ ★ Leslie Boykin is the best choice for Travis County Court Judge in Texas! Leslie believes in second chances and transformation, and she knows the justice system too often prioritizes punishment over engaging with the systemic oppression that can lead to crime. “Judges who are not patient rush to judgment. Judges who are not compassionate rush to punish,” she told us on our Live Monday Night Broadcast. “We should be servants to our community. I feel a special call to step up and serve in this greater capacity.” ★ ★ ★ TURNING OUT THE TEXAS VOTE Early voting starts Monday in the Texas primary! Show some love to our progressives on the ballot by helping GOTV with our 2022 Phonebank Force! We’re amassing a volunteer army to make calls to nearly 50,000 potential voters around the Austin TX area, Our Revolution Political Director Aaron Chappell told Axios. “This is our vision - and something Bernie talked about - getting progressives to run for office, from dog-catcher to Congress. This is about building a bench,” Aaron said. HELP GOTV HERE! ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ CAWTHORN CRACKING? Our Revolution members filed suit to ban Madison Cawthorn from the ballot because, under the rules of our Constitution, political violence is unacceptable. The North Carolina Board of Elections agreed with us that it has the power to disqualify insurrectionists from seeking re-election, CNN reports. After begging a federal court for “amnesty” under a law used by ex-Confederates, Cawthorn went on Steve Bannon’s War Room podcast where he threatened us against “going down a dangerous path.” But, Our Revolution activists are just getting started! Our members rallied in Los Angeles this week, calling on the secretary of state to disqualify Trump from the CA ballot — and we’re ramping up actions across the country! HELP SUPPORT OUR WORK ★ ★ ★ Help fund challenges against the unconstitutional candidacies of Marjorie Taylor-Greene, Lauren Boebert, Paul Gosar, and other enemies of democracy by becoming a monthly member. ★ ★ ★ Only a large, organized movement can overpower organized money to elect progressive champions at every level of government. Become a recurring donor today to help scale up our canvassing, phone banking, and text operations to WIN BIG in 2022!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ M4A ON THE MARCH IN OHIO! Our Revolution Ohio and Partners in Health made a push in Cleveland Heights for a Medicare For All resolution this week, and now it looks like it will be introduced to pass! Cleveland Heights Mayor Khalil Seren, who was endorsed by Our Revolution, is now drafting a resolution and it has unanimous support! Our Revolution organizer Amber Akhter and fellow activists argued on behalf of the resolution at a city council meeting Tuesday. Amber also wrote a letter to the editor of, urging city council members to “send a message to Washington that Americans demand guaranteed healthcare.” She added: “It’s great that Rep. Shontel Brown has now co-sponsored Medicare for All, but this didn’t just happen. It took activists to pressure our elected officials to make it happen.” ★ ★ ★ KNOCK-DOWN DRAG-OUT DRUG PRICE REFORM Our Revolution joined over 90 allied groups this week, demanding Senate Dems pass Drug Price Reform to save lives and stave off a red wave in the midterms, Politico Pulse reports. Bernie introduced a bill Wednesday to cut drug prices in half - but it was instantly blocked by Republican Sen. Mike Crapo of Idaho. The bill, requiring Medicare to pay the same prices for drugs as the VA would save $900B over the next decade. If the Democratic leadership refuses to make a filibuster exception, they must go forward without Republican votes through the budget process or Biden must issue executive orders to crack down on Big Pharma. Why do Americans die unable to afford their medication? “The answer,” Bernie said, “has everything to do with a corrupt political system in which, over the past 20 years, the pharmaceutical industry has spent over $4.5B dollars on lobbying and hundreds of millions in campaign contributions.” In a floor speech, Bernie said: “For far too long, it hasn’t been Congress regulating the pharmaceutical industry, it’s been the pharmaceutical industry regulating Congress.” Pharma lobbyists outnumber members of Congress 3:1, Common Dreams reports. Patients for Affordable Drugs analysis shows Pharma hiked prices for 742 medications in the first month of 2022. ★ ★ ★ TACKLING BIG TECH Our Revolution supports the Open App Markets Act — part of a growing legislative effort to rein in Big Tech’s monopoly power. The measure, which would be a big step toward opening up iOS and Android’s app stores, passed the Senate Judiciary Committee this week, The Verge reports. The bill still needs to pass the House and Senate, but it’s gaining momentum and bipartisan support. ★ ★ ★ NO MORE WARS National Organizing Coordinator Hal Ginsberg represented Our Revolution on the Bernie Delegates Network’s Thursday night Ukraine Crisis: Urgent Action Gathering. Moderated by distinguished pro-peace journalist Norman Solomon, speakers included Nation Magazine Publisher Katrina vanden Heuvel, historian David Gibbs, and National Priorities Project Director Lindsey Koshgarian. Hal called the threatened war over Ukraine “morally reprehensible,” noting that “the toll two decades of nearly continuous American military aggression has taken is mind-boggling. Trillions of dollars gone. Perhaps millions, dead. Many millions more displaced. And we are, if anything, less safe as a result.” Hal pledged: “Our Revolution would work with all here to help build and maintain a vibrant peace movement.” WATCH HERE ★ ★ ★ BIDEN NEEDS PRO-LABOR SCOTUS WIN Our Revolution joins labor groups around the country to urge President Biden against filling the Supreme Court vacancy with an anti-labor jurist. As Rep. Jim Clyburn and Republican Sen. Lindsay Graham team up to push South Carolina district court judge Michelle Childs, progressives point to a pro-labor pick as a win for the Biden Administration. Bernie predicts that Biden “wants somebody on the court who understands the struggles that working families are facing right now, who understands the enormous power of corporate interests.” “You want somebody who is going to be reflective of the needs of working families and understands that we are moving towards an oligarchy in this country,” Bernie said. Elizabeth Warren declined to talk to Politico about Childs at all: “I’m not going to comment. Nope.” “Childs has a record at an openly anti-union law firm,” Our Revolution Board Chair Larry Cohen told Politico. “She spent eight years at a firm that attacks organizing in South Carolina - the state with the lowest collective bargaining coverage in the U.S.” “Imagine the reception if she had a record working for unions,” Larry said, “and then ask how could a pro-union president even consider her?” SIGN OUR PETITION TO JOE BIDEN Biden’s nomination could lock in a corporate-friendly SCOTUS for a generation at a time when the Court is voting in lockstep 83 percent with the country’s largest lobbying group, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, representing 3 million corporations. ★ ★ ★ 2022 must be a HUGE year for the progressive movement. We’re making ground, but everything we love is on the line. WE CAN WIN a progressive policy agenda, but we need your help to defeat the enemies of progress. Become a sustaining member of Our Revolution today. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Join the Our Revolution Phonebank Force and help elect our endorsed candidates in Texas! We need all hands on deck to replace corporate Dems with Progressives who are ready to fight for our policy priorities! RSVP HERE ★ ★ ★ Our Revolution groups across the country are holding events to call on election officials to ban insurrectionists from the ballot! This week we are focusing on events in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Florida, Arizona and Ohio! Find an event near you! Help us defend our democracy and hold insurrectionists accountable! FIND AN EVENT NEAR YOU HERE ★ ★ ★ Our Revolution and San Francisco Berniecrats are organizing voters to Vote NO on the SF School Board Recall on Feb. 15th. Join us to get out the vote to defend public education from right-wing attacks! RSVP HERE ★ ★ ★ Our next National Organize to Win Call will be Monday, February 28th. In the meantime, we’re growing our army of volunteers to power our GOTV field operations for our candidates! Early voting starts in T-minus 2 days for our Texas slate. Join our 2022 Phonebank Force to maximize our impact at the polls! SIGN UP ★ ★ ★ On February 18th, Our Revolution Texas will join the Worker Power Coalition for a PRO Act Rally in San Antonio TX! With unions under attack, we need every Democrat to support the right of workers to organize! RSVP HERE ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
