From Team Schiff <[email protected]>
Subject Trump’s love affair with autocracy
Date February 12, 2022 5:35 PM
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[ [link removed] ]Adam Schiff for Congress


Valentine’s Day should be a time to express our love and appreciation for
the special people in our life who are always there for us. (Don’t panic,
it’s not until Monday — you’ve still got time to pick up flowers).

But there is one person looming large on the political scene for whom
there is only one true love — raw political power (and himself, okay
that’s two).

We’re talking, of course, about the former guy, Donald Trump.

From his embrace of authoritarians worldwide — Putin in Russia, Orbán in
Hungary, Bolsonaro in Brazil, Duterte in the Philippines, to name just a
few — to his open contempt for the democratic values that have made the
United States what it is, Trump’s heart has never been in the right place
to lead our country.

We came terribly close to seeing Trump use the power of his office to
overturn the 2020 election, and to this day he remains steadfast in
claiming it could, and should, have been done. And as he supports
candidates for the House and Senate in 2022, with Kevin McCarthy hellbent
on winning the House majority, we have to show them that there is a love
far greater than the narrow ambitions of small men.

Adam loves this country with all his heart, and his fidelity to the
Constitution and our democracy are the guiding principles by which he
fights for us in Congress every day.

No matter what the Fox News pundits, internet trolls, or the former
president have to say about it.

But he can’t do this work alone, which is why we ask:

Will you pitch in $10 today to Adam’s re-election campaign so he can
continue to fight for us and stand up to Trump’s lust for power? Adam’s
campaign is built on small contributions, and yours is so important to
getting the job done and keeping our majorities this November.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your
donation will go through immediately:

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Thanks for pitching in if you can.

— Team Schiff

150 E. Olive Ave., Suite 208 Burbank CA, 91502

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