John —

What does that amount of money mean to you? Now let us ask:

If you knew contributing $5 would mean Mark Kelly would get re-elected to the Senate this year, wouldn’t it be worth it?

How about if you knew that same $5 would keep Mitch McConnell from becoming Majority Leader again? Wouldn’t you give that $5 immediately?

What if you knew that $5 would re-elect a man fighting for voting rights, action on climate, lowering drug prices and more? Wouldn’t it be the best $5 you could spend?

Now, we know $5 doesn’t seem like it can do all that. But when everyone is chipping in, it can.

Cause by the time you reach this point in the email, someone has already chipped in their $5. And in order for this to work, they need you to do the same.

And that’s why we’re asking:

Can you please make a $5 contribution to Mark Kelly’s re-election campaign -- split with Seth Moulton -- before our fundraising deadline comes to an end in just a few days?


No one person — not even Mark himself — can win this election alone. But together… that’s how we’ll get it done and defend this seat.

—Team Kelly
