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Dear John

The year has only just started and we're already just weeks away from Star Count, taking place between 26 February and 6 March. We've created a handy video to show you how to take part. And if you have young children, or know someone who does - why not order a copy of Gem and I, a magical children’s book on the importance of dark skies.

Many of you have already joined us in saying no to a new coal mine in Cumbria. You can still sign our petition and help us reach 10,000 signatures.

In other news, we've published a new report showing the many benefits of protecting local green spaces. Everybody should have access to the benefits of nature, no matter where they live. 

And finally, we’ve got some tips on what to look out for on your countryside walks in February.

Star Count 2022: how to take part


With Star Count around the corner, we've created an easy step-by-step video for you to follow so you can have a successful count and join in with all the fun!  

Whether you’re taking part from home or in an open space our six tips will give you all the information you need to locate Orion and count the stars within its four corners. 

Tell the government: no new coal mine in Cumbria


Over 8,000 of you have signed up to stop the government from creating a new coal mine in Cumbria. It would be the first of its kind in over 30 years and would produce more emissions than all the country’s currently-open coal mines combined. 

We only have a matter of weeks to act: help us reach 10,000 signatures. 

Read our Local Green Spaces report


Earlier this month we published our new Local Green Spaces research. The report highlights the many health and wellbeing spaces of these precious green spaces.

We want to make the countryside more accessible for everyone - no matter what their background is. 

Take a stroll through the countryside 


This February, if you can, why not try and head out into the countryside for a nature walk? 

You could find some gems like daffodils, cyclamen and other early signs of spring approaching.

Do your bit for the countryside


Becoming a CPRE member is the best way to support a beautiful, thriving countryside for all. Not only will you be doing your part for the one of the UK's most influential environmental charities you’ll also receive some great perks! 

We have people all over the UK that can support you with the issues you care about such as climate change, public transport, affordable housing and more. 

You can choose from an individual membership or one for the whole family with a household membership.   


Best wishes,


Tianna Ince

Marketing Assistant 

CPRE is funded by donations from people like you. Together, we can help our beautiful countryside thrive, for everyone’s benefit - now and for generations to come.

Like many other charities, we're still feeling the effects of the coronavirus pandemic. We rely on our supporters’ gifts as they enable us to continue resourcing our important campaigns today and into the future.

Donate now
green curve