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Weekend Edition, February 12-13, 2022


Open Letter to the Canadian Truckers

Robert W Malone MD, MS

Moving On

Karen Kwiatkowski

Scientism and the New Road to Serfdom

David Stockman

The Military-Industrial-Critical Race Theory Complex

Pedro Gonzalez

‘I Get PAID to Be Homeless in San Francisco – It Takes One Phone Call’

Natasha Anderson

N95 Basketball


The Lost History of Natural Law in The Eastern Church

Bionic Mosquito

The Contagion of Contagion

Alex Berenson

Dishonesty Is a Bad Business Plan

James Howard Kunstler

Election Year Science in Amnesia Nation

The Good Citizen

The Fed Is Going To Lose the Inflation Fight

Peter Schiff

Authors of Barrington Declaration Speak Out

Dr. Joseph Mercola

LRC Blog

Political Theatre
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